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June 28, 2024
8:30 am — 3:30 pm
University of Illinois Springfield
Springfield, IL

Hosted by:
(Volunteer & Civic Engagement Center)



2024 Workshops

Workshop Session I: 10:40-11:50 am

Skills Based Volunteering 101- Gina Edwards

Skills-Based volunteering enables volunteers to put their skills or specialized expertise to use and enables nonprofit organizations to expand services. It is also one of the fastest growing forms of corporate giving, with nearly 50% of companies reporting having a skills-based volunteer program in place. Learn more about identifying opportunities and preparing your organization for a skills-based volunteer program along with tips for recruiting and engaging skills-based volunteers.


AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP- Heath Richmond

Do you struggle with finding volunteers? Do you have a one-time project but need to find some extra help in a hurry? Ever heard of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program? RSVP has been helping connect volunteers 55 and older with volunteer opportunities for over 50 years. Come find out more about this AmeriCorps Seniors program and if RSVP volunteers are available in your communities to help you fulfil your mission.


Creating Micro Volunteer Opportunities for a Diverse Volunteer Pool- Serve Illinois Volunteer Team

This workshop will provide you with guidance and best practices for the recruitment, engagement, and management of volunteers from diverse backgrounds, helping you curate and market volunteer opportunities where all can participate no matter their availability, while also creating long-term engagement. By the completion of the workshop you will know how to prepare job descriptions that are fit for micro-volunteer opportunities, match short-term volunteers with the right need, and tips on how to strengthen and evaluate your volunteer program.

Workshop Session II: 12:50-2:00 pm

Packing & Crafting: Ideas for Remote/Virtual Volunteer Opportunities- Gina Edwards

More and more corporate and student organizations are looking for simple, easy team-building volunteer opportunities that they can complete at their workplace or school. Join the conversation and idea-sharing for various types of kits and crafty projects that you can offer to your volunteers that are also beneficial to your organization’s clients.


AmeriCorps 101- Serve Illinois Volunteer Team

In this training, you can expect to learn the basics of AmeriCorps 101 regarding the State and National process. We will discuss this process from start to finish with the Notification of Funding Opportunity process to become a program, applying to be a member, and take you through the steps of enrollment, member management, Days of Service, and exiting a member after completing their service, as well as the benefits of serving in AmeriCorps.


One Mission, Many Needs: Engaging Volunteers Across the Generations – Kenny & Terry Goode

From Boomers to Zoomers, explore best practices for attracting and retaining volunteers from each generation. Learn to use online spaces that appeal to younger generations and develop next steps to make your program appealing to all.

Panel Discussion: "Generational Voices: Bridging Perspectives in Volunteerism": 2:10-2:50 pm

Join us for an enlightening discussion that transcends generations and unlocks the power of diverse perspectives in volunteerism. In this dynamic panel, volunteers spanning the Boomer, Gen X, Millennial, and Zoomer generations come together to share their insights, experiences, and visions for the future of volunteer engagement.


Discover firsthand the unique motivations, challenges, and contributions of volunteers from different age groups as they discuss their journeys in serving communities and driving social impact. 


Don't miss this opportunity to engage with passionate volunteers from across the generational spectrum, as we explore how to bridge differences, foster understanding, and shape the future of volunteerism together.